Continuous Stuff

This is page show my current and continuous progressing in random future stuff. Here some brief will be provided that show’s what I suppose to be doing in my continuous learning process.

Monitoring the behaviour of sudden unexpected death in Epilepsy

I’m writing this research article to presenting the way to interact with brain for monitoring the behaviour of the brain and analysis the brain data using deep learning. Epilepsy in general word is some parts of neurons activated and deactivated. It causes the effects on the human body. This is an approach to use Medical MRI images of the brain and training the Deep neural network to learn & analyze the model to provide accurate predictions. Using tinny industrial embedded computer with the brain interface to find the activation and deactivation in the brain in real time. Using Internet of Things will brings the data from the patients and the already existing model will then trained agent to getting the model to find which parts of the brain are suddenly activation of neuron or deactivation of neuron.

… Continuous on progressing. Estimation of Completion in Sept-2017.

Data Science Bowl 2017

I’m Partipating in Data Science Bowl 2017- Kaggle Data Science Competition challegne. The Overview of the Competition is Can you improve lung cancer detection? In the United States, lung cancer strikes 225,000 people every year, and accounts for $12 billion in health care costs. Early detection is critical to give patients the best chance at recovery and survival.

In 2017, the Data Science Bowl will be a critical milestone in support of the Cancer Moonshot by convening the data science and medical communities to develop lung cancer detection algorithms. Competition Link

… Continuous on Progressing. Estimation of Completion in 12-Jan-2017 to 12-Apr-2017.

The Nature Conservancy Fisheries Monitoring

I’m Partipating in The Nature Conservancy Fisheries Monitoring 2017 - Kaggle Data Science Competition Challenge. The Overview of the competition is Can you detect and classify species of fish?

Nearly half of the world depends on seafood for their main source of protein. In the Western and Central Pacific, where 60% of the world’s tuna is caught, illegal, unreported, and unregulated fishing practices are threatening marine ecosystems, global seafood supplies and local livelihoods. The Nature Conservancy is working with local, regional and global partners to preserve this fishery for the future. Competition Link

… Continuous on Progressing. Estimation of Completion in 14-Nov-2016 to 12-Apr-2017.

More Stuff will Add Periodically, check out.